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Research project to create consensus for report device-related pressure ulcers

Recent research has revealed that in some acute care settings a high proportion of pressure ulcers are caused by medical devices, with the critical care units’ being among the most affected. However, to date, there are no standardised tools to report device-related skin damage.  As part of a University of Southampton PhD, supervised by Lisette Schoonhoven, Susan Coleman and Peter Worsley, Ewa Crunden is looking for experts to take part in a consensus study to agree on a reporting tool for Medical Device-Related Pressure Ulcers. The Delphi consensus study will run for 3 months, from September to November 2020. An invitation letter and a detailed information sheet are available for download below.

Participant info sheet

Study recruitment letter

Following a successful consensus for reporting, a clinical evaluation will be performed, the results of which will be shared with the international pressure ulcer community.  If you wish to get involved in this important research study, please contact Ewa Crunden directly at


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