JWC & WUWHS Awards

 In News

The JWC is proud to announce the 2nd JWC WUWHS awards are now open for entry.

The awards are ‘The Olympics of Wound Care’ and will culminate in an evening which will celebrate excellence in practicing research internally. This will be the first celebration of its kind in the UAE, recognising the fantastic work clinicians in the world and across the region have undertaken. There will be fourteen categories covering a range of wild therapy areas.

Nominations are open to individuals, teams, organisations, societies, companies, charities, and government organisations whose work has made a huge impact based on work carried out over the last year.

It is FREE to enter the JWC WUWHS Awards!

Website: https://www.jwcwuwhsawards.com/

Entry page: https://www.jwcwuwhsawards.com/enter

Deadline: 3rd February, 2022

Events Director: Anthony Kerr anthony.kerr@markallengroup.com
Phone number:  020 7501 6726

Events Team for general enquiries: nurseledconferences@markallengroup.com

All entries are anonymised prior to judging so please minimise the use of nominee(s) names when giving evidence, use the third person (he/she/they).

Entries will be judged on:

  • Evidence of novelty/original thinking
  • Evidence of a significant impact/benefit to the area or patients
  • Evidence in the application or supporting document of the achievements described
  • Suitability for the category entered
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