Guideline Governance Group: Invitation to collaborate
The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) are starting development of a third update of the International Pressure Ulcer Guideline to be published in 2019. For this edition of the Guideline, the member organizations are seeking to expand international contribution and collaboration to organizations not currently represented by the PPPIA, EPUAP or NPUAP. Other international not-for-profit pressure injury/ulcer organizations that share the mission, values and purposes of the EPUAP, NPUAP and PPPIA are invited to apply to join the Guideline development process through designation as “Associate Organizations”. Associate Organizations are expected to nominate 3 to 10 English-speaking experts in pressure injury/ulcer prevention and treatment for participation in Small Working Groups according to the guideline development methodology. The assigned experts will be also eligible to participate in the voting process for Strength of Recommendation ratings. For more information and details how to apply to become an Associate Organization please go to