Trustee Election 2021 is Open!

Dear EPUAP Member, We hereby announce the opening of the trustees’ election procedure for 2021! You have the opportunity to become actively involved in the strategic development and planning of [...]


On behalf of the EPUAP Executive Board, we would like to inform you that considering the current coronavirus situation, it was decided to: Reschedule our onsite EPUAP Annual Meeting in Prague [...]

FREE WEBINAR: Implementing PU prevention protocols into clinical practice

📢#EPUAP FREE WEBINAR ALERT📢 DATE: 13th of May, 2021 TIME: 6pm CET TOPIC: Implementing PU prevention protocols into clinical practice SPEAKERS: Zena Moore & Helen Strapp [...]

The First Official Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment Quick Reference Guide Mobile App!

EPUAP, in partnership with the NPIAP, PPPIA and Sensorydata Corp, proudly announces the launch of the InterPIP App! InterPIP is the Official Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment Guideline [...]

EPUAP Membership

Congratulations for the JWC WUWHS Award!

We would like to congratulate the International Guideline Governance Group for the award in Advances in Pressure Care! More information about this gold award can be found through this link: [...]

The Prophylactic Dressing Standards Initiative (PDSI) work is now underway!

We are delighted to introduce the Executive Board of the PDSI Task Force, which, in addition to the two Co-Chairs Professor Amit Gefen (EPUAP) and Professor David Brienza (NPIAP), includes [...]

King’s College London Study to Develop IAD Manual

Researchers at King’s College London are conducting a study to develop a manual to guide prevention and treatment of incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) – sore skin as a result of urinary or [...]

Become a member of the EPUAP community!

The new membership fee for new members or renewals from 1st January 2021! Starting with January 2021, the EPUAP membership fee will be reduced and more discounts will be available: EPUAP [...]

EPUAP Podcast #1 just released!

Clinical impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers Listen to the 1st episode of a newly released EPUAP podcast on Spotify or Anchor. This episode is [...]

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