Delphi Survey – Bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds

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Please help the Skin Integrity Research Group from Ghent with their study!

The Skin Integrity Research Group (Ghent University, Belgium) would like to invite you to participate in a Delphi study (=Questionnaire study).

The aim of this study is to obtain consensus among patients, clinicians and researchers on which outcomes should be measured when  clinical trials are set up to investigate if bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds are effective.

An outcome is that what is being measured to examine the effect of exposure to a health intervention (e.g. healing, pain, comfort,…).

Your expertise as a patient, clinician or researcher is invaluable to the success of the project, and we would be very grateful if you would consider participating in this Delphi study.

In this two-round questionnaire, you will be asked to rate how important each outcome is to you using a 9-point rating scale.

Based on your input and of the other participants, we will determine what core outcomes are considered as important to measure to evaluate bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds. It is estimated that this should take up to 15 minutes to complete. In 3 weeks after completing round 1, you will receive the questionnaire for round 2.

If you agree, please complete the questionnaire within 2 weeks via the following link:

Thank you in advance for your time and efforts,

Best regards,

Prof. dr. Dimitri Beeckman

Drs. Charlotte Raepsaet or +32 9 332 36 28

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