When your patients are incontinent their skin is exposed to urine and/or faeces. Urine decreases skin hardness and makes the skin more vulnerable to friction. It also increases the pH and promotes pathogenic growth. This can lead to IAD (Incontinence Associated Dermatitis). Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD), a clinical manifestation of moisture-associated skin damage, is a common problem in patients with faecal and/or urinary incontinence. The lesions are characterized by erosion of the epidermis and a macerated appearance of the skin (Gray et al. 2007a). Incontinence and skin breakdown related to incontinence have a considerable effect on patients’ physical and psychological well-being . It is a daily challenge for healthcare professionals in hospitals, nursing homes and homecare to maintain a healthy skin in patients with incontinence.

Furthermore recent evidence indicates an association between IAD, its most important etiological factors, and PUs

Improve Care, Stop IAD

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